Reviewed by Kim

Brisbane to Julia: “We simply must do something about your penchant for blowing things up, my Lady.”

Yes, The Dark Enquiry starts off with a bang. Literally as well as figuratively. Having been married now for fifteen months, Lady Julia and her fascinating husband Nicholas Brisbane continue to clash even though their love for each other remains steadfast. Still recovering from the events that unfolded in Dark Road to Darjeeling, Julia and Brisbane are attempting to set up a household in London. There Julia continues to pester Brisbane to include her in his investigative work. She’s determined to show him she’d be a worthy partner for him. Her experiments with black powder and her new camera can be alarming yet helpful with the newest case that comes their way. This one involves mediums, seances, spies, one of Lady Julia’s brothers, murder, and blackmail. Unfortunately, Julia is so set on proving herself that she puts herself and Brisbane frquently in danger. This can get a tad wearing at times. That said though, their relationship continues to grow, and one of my favorite things about this intriguing couple is their verbal sparring. The plot was equally intriguing in this latest installment. Having one of Julia’s brothers as the victim of blackmail was brilliant. Especially since he’s made his feelings clear in the past regarding Brisbane, and now he’s forced to ask for his assistance. I highly recommend The Dark Enquiry to everyone who enjoys comedy, romance, and historical mysteries.

Kim is the Assistant Head of Children’s Services
Read her full Read This profile: kimb8
Kim is currently reading: Ghost Story by Jim Butcher

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